Sort Menu

Sort menu commands apply to pictures selected in the task workspace.

By Caption

Displays pictures alphabetically or numerically.

By Date Acquired

Displays pictures added to your collection with the most recent date first.

Acquired date can be the date pictures were transferred from a device, added from your hard disk or removable media, or saved using a new filename.

By Date Modified

Displays pictures by the date modified with the most recent date first.

By Date Taken

Displays pictures by the date taken with the most recent date first.

By Format

Displays pictures in alphabetical order by file format and alphabetically within the format.

By Size

Displays pictures with the smallest file size first.

By Favorites

Displays all Favorite pictures in the current view first.

By Protected

Displays all protected pictures in the current view first.

By Manual Order

Available only when Albums is selected in the Collection navigation pane.

Lets you drag-and-drop pictures to reorder them in the album.

Restore Sort Order

Available only when Albums is selected in the Collection navigation pane.

Undoes the current manual sort order, reverting to the last saved manual sort order.

Reverse Order

Displays pictures in reverse order.